Health and Safety with Castle Homes Ltd.

Health & safety is in house paramount to our company, and we have our own full-time in-house NEBOSH qualified Health & Safety Advisor to ensure our Health & Safety Policy Statement (below) is adhered to.

Health & Safety Policy Statement

Castle Homes Ltd is committed to the provision and maintenance of safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees and others who may be affected by our work activities.

Castle Homes Ltd:

  • Provide information, instruction, training and adequate supervision to ensure that all employees are competent and can safely carry out the duties expected of them.
  • Take all reasonable steps to identify and control the risks present on sites and in all of its work activities.
  • Ensure the safe work equipment is provided and that it is regularly inspected and maintained in a safe condition and that safe systems of work are provided and maintained.
  • Ensure that articles and substances are used, handled, stored and transported in a manner that is safe and without risk to health.
  • Ensure that all employees/sub contractors are consulted on health and safety matters and that their participation is encouraged.
  • Ensure that adequate welfare facilities are provided for employees.
  • Co-operate with other employers, main contractors, sub contractors, clients, designers and enforcing agencies on relevant health and safety matters.
  • Utilise the services of a health and safety consultant as and when necessary.

An overview of our Health and Safety Policy.

Accidents can kill, injure and disfigure and they cost all of us money and restrict our work and social lives. Our key aim is to eliminate work related accidents and ill health and avoid these consequences.

Everyone working for Castle Homes, whether employees or sub contractors is responsible for Health and Safety. Each of us must do everything possible to work safely and prevent incidents involving injury, ill health and near misses to ourselves, our colleagues and anyone else who may be affected by our work activities.

We all have a duty to work in a safe and healthy way at all times. .

Our Health & Safety Handbook is over 100 pages long and it details Castle Homes Ltd’s Health and Safety Policy, our health and safety aims and objectives along with employee/sub contractor employee responsibilities and our health and safety rules and procedures.

The Handbook’s purpose is to:

  • Make you aware of our policy, rules and procedures
  • Help you work safely
  • Help you watch out for the safety of others
  • Make our work sites and offices safer places to work at by identifying hazards, assessing risks and by using appropriate workplace precautions to eliminate/reduce risk and therefore prevent injury and ill health.

The Handbook is intended to be used in conjunction with the site rules in operation at any site or place that we or our sub contractors may work at and which are laid down by the main contractor for the site.

If, after reading our handbook, you require further clarification on any aspect of it, please consult a Castle Homes Safety Advisor. If he is unavailable, ring our Head Office on 01246 281967 where someone will be available to take your call.

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